the blog
A resolution-type thought on staying present
How you react to the sensations in your body are directly impacted by the quality of your mind. A simple tool for every day sensations . . .
Staying Curious
The act of staying curious and noticing the panicky thoughts that can come up with a re-injury are your easiest, fastest, first line of care for yourself.
The Difference Between Ache and Pain and Sore
Some words like sharp or tingling are more consistent in how they’re used, but the difference between ache, and pain, and sore, for example, are often interchanged. More words means you have a more nuanced understanding of how you’re feeling which can alleviate fear and reduce pain.
The Importance of Up-Cycling
Pain is sensitive to falling into a cycle. But we can either cycle down toward more pain and dysfunction or cycle upward. The key is to focus on daily level of function rather than only on pain levels for an increased quality of life.
Analysis: Why Don’t More People Strength Train?
Exploring the disconnect between older adults perceptions of movement in their body and the well researched necessity for strength training for functional daily living as we age.
The Baseline State
Understanding that when we feel stiff and tight all the time, it may not only be a reflection of our lack of movement and exercise, but also of the nervous system’s baseline state in the body.
Lessons from a Second Opinion, Part II
The importance of your relationship with your health professional and what to look out for.
On Play and Pain
How play uses curiosity to facilitate a positive evolution to the relationship between you, your pain, and your moving body.
What is person centered care?
You deserve to be given options, you deserve to be seen and treated as a whole person, and you deserve to have space in the conversation to discuss the concerns about how the treatment will impact your quality of life.
On Fresh Starts
And those are the two key elements that keep showing up over and over again in my work with others and in myself. Showing up (consistency) and receiving support.
Does Thinking About Pain Make it Worse?
The short answer is yes. Learn more about what “catastrophization” is, how it influences our pain, why it’s normal, and how to manage it.
Lifting Heavy Things
How things like embedded sexism and ageism affect our movement choices.
About Me, Extended Version
A more detailed account about how I ended up as a movement coach, my biggest influences, and my biggest hope.
A Case for Intense Physical Exertion
Intense physical exertion requires our attention. Why this matters and how we can use it to live better.
Podcast Interview with Jordana Edelstein.
Listen to this awesome chat I had with Body Image Coach Jordana Edelstein about chronic pain and body image.